Tuesday, February 22, 2011

breaktime with nic cage

This photo makes me laugh pretty hard when I look at it, but I cannot identify why this is so.  Maybe it is because Nic Cage looks so molesty and insincere. Maybe it is the way he is using his hand to gently stabilize his chin.  Or maybe it is the photoshop job they have done to make him look less like a person and more like a cartoon.  I don't know, but I like it.  

Let me talk to ya.

Monday, February 21, 2011

the snugglebugs' cupcake social!

The Snugglebugs go into a diabetic coma after indulging in too many cupcakes during their party.  Dan Parker is the first to succumb.  It is an emotionally confusing time for him; as he loses consciousness, you hear him whisper that he regrets what he said earlier, a statement in reference to when he happily screamed, "I will never regret eating this many cupcakes!"

Oh man, that tasty paper cupcake is making me want to eat a macaron.

Friday, February 18, 2011

the snugglebugs' ice cream social!

This is part of a series of fliers I made for some of my favorite people in the world, whose awesome band, The Snugglebugs, plays some of the most energetic and passionate and fun (triple whammy!) shows I've been to.

I will post these bad boys one at a time, one week at a time because I am running out of crap with which to visually engage.   

I'll be making a date with a scanner soon.  It should be pretty romantic because I will bring cookies and tea to the party and those two things are usually pretty sexy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

bubble face

This is something I think Andy Warhol's fat friend Brigid would have liked to contribute to during a meth binge.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

sick babes

I've been sick and have been greedy about using this period of illness to whine like a little bitch. 

I've probably been pretty irritating to the three people I come in contact with regularly.  Not that I care or anything, because not caring about being a wimpy, unkempt whiner is a big part of the glamour of being sick.

We all know that being sick is glamorous.  What we don't all know is that it is just shy of being as glamorous as this fine specimen, drawn from a Vice Magazine do a really, really long time ago.

babe and babe magnet rolled into one neat package.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

notebooks and scott bakula

I listened to all of the Danzig in my music library and had a multiple sneeze (9 times in a row!).  I'd say my Saturday night has been a success.

I have an old notebook with drawings in it.  The notebook was made by Appa Bismo and all of their products are dirt cheap and super adorable.  Every time I go to the stationary section of any book shop, I end up with one or two of these bad boys.  

I found the Bismo etsy shop: mmm, paper products.

Quantam Leap vampire and the loving gaze of Miss Cat

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the sun and the owl and the pussycat

I like it when the sun is about to set and gives everything it illuminates a creamy tint of yellow and orange splash.

Not a whole lot happened this week.  I just looked out my window and saw some pretty colors courtesy of our good ole' sun and it calmed me down from feeling like I've spent a day around over-excitable adolescent girls.

The literary nonsense I loved so much as a child in the form of a sketch.
