Tuesday, August 30, 2011

no time!

I don't have any of that fancy time stuff right now, but I don't want to be too neglectful of my vanity projects, so here is one and one quarter of a photo negative.  I have a scanner date soon; I will scan the world and everything in it when I have me some of that precious, precious time.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

the eye poke

I really need to get organized.  I like having things together where they need to be, looking fly in their coordinated, categorized sections.  Frequently though, my things end up sprawled around while I run around trying to get things done.  When my things are like that for too long, I feel like this is happening:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

mangled film

Almost a year ago, I took some photos on a disposie and when I took the film to be developed, the shop almost ruined the whole strip of pictures.  Some photos were saved and they turned out awesome.  I just scanned the negatives and saw the melty warbled mess tonight; here is a selection:

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

bunnies and a butt


I feel like the more amount of time one spends on tumblr, the more likely it is that something resembling this little doodle of mine will turn up:

Variations will include thinner legs, different animals, different underpants and a change of socks. 
